Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Second Dentist Visit

Today is the day -- actually, this morning is the morning. It's the morning I return to the dentist to get drilled. About a month back, I went to the dentist with a fear that he would tell me I needed to have a wisdom tooth (or two) pulled, but that prognosis came back negative. Instead, I get to have three cavities (some very small!) drilled out and then filled in. Oh the fun. But this just goes to show one of the difficulties of moving. It's hard to find a dentist, and even a doctor, when you move to a new place. It's just not a priority when you have so much else going on, and you tend to put yourself at the bottom of the priority list -- especially when you have young children. Our eldest, who was about one at the time, had a doctor lined up immediately, and a visit to her within a month of us moving to town. It took me over a year! And the dentist took even longer...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I often find moving means having to find a new person to cut your hair. That is usually a huge drag.