Monday, December 3, 2007

A Green Blog?

I am interested in living a greener life. I want my kids to be able to enjoy the same Earth that I enjoy. I want them to live in a stable and peaceful world, and I believe the possibility of them doing this depends upon the state of our environment. Of course, we have taken action in our household to do our part, but there's always more that could be done. This morning, while viewing my reader, I stumbled upon this great blogging widget: The CO2Stats Project. If you visit my site, you will notice it on the right-hand side. Consider putting it on your blog, too.

The CO2Stats Project explains itself as follows:
" CO2Stats is a free tool that monitors and offsets your blog or web site's carbon dioxide emissions by calculating how much power your visitors are consuming to view it. For each pound of CO2 resulting from your site traffic, The CO2Stats Project purchases carbon offsets that benefit the environment."

Essentially, the more traffic my blog receives, the better it will be for the environment through the purchase of carbon offsets. Cool.

Above photo found at

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